Coordinated School Health
Healthy Schools, Healthy Students
Wilma Jean Pippenger
School Health Coordinator
423-299-0471 ext 7012
Deborah Burgess
CSH Nurse Supervisor
423-299-0471 ext 7018
Coordinated school health (CSH) is a effective model for connecting physical, emotional, and social health with education. It consists eight interactive components: health education, physical education, health services, nutrition services, counseling and psychological services, healthy school environment, health promotion for staff, and family/community involvement. Using this model, schools work within the family and community structure to ensure optimal health and wellness for children.
Establishing healthy behaviors during childhood is easier and more effective than trying to change unhealthy behaviors during adulthood. Schools play a critical role in promoting the health and safety of young people and helping them establish lifelong healthy behavior patterns.
Research shows a link between the health outcomes of young people and their academic success . To have the most positive impact on the health outcomes of young people, government agencies, community organizations, schools, and other community members must work together through a collaborative and comprehensive approach.