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The Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) public school funding formula marks a significant change in how Tennessee invests in public education. The TISA funding formula updates the way Tennessee funds public education for the first time in over 30 years to empower each student to read proficiently by third grade, prepare each high school graduate for postsecondary success, and provide resources needed for all students to ensure they succeed.
As part of TISA, T.C.A. § 49-3-112 requires each school district, starting in the 2023-24 school year, to submit an annual accountability report to the Tennessee Department of Education (department). This report must include goals for student achievement, an explanation of how the district's stated goals can be met within the district's budget, and starting in the 2024-25 school year, a description of how the district’s budget and expenditures from the prior school year enabled the district to make progress toward the stated student achievement goals.
Each district's TISA accountability report is required to be presented to the public for review and comment before the report is submitted to the department. The report must be submitted annually to the department by November 1st.
Furthermore, each district’s TISA accountability report is required to be reviewed annually by the TISA Progress Review Board pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-3-114 to determine whether the school district is taking the proper steps to achieve their stated goal.
Polk County's District Report can be found here.
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