Title I
As school-wide Title I schools, each Title I school in the Polk County School System receives additional federal funding to supplement our instructional programs.
Our Teacher Assistants, working under the direction of classroom teachers, are valuable resources in our focus on reading and mathematics instruction. Parent involvement is critical to the success of our children.
As meetings are scheduled at your school, please make plans to attend and participate as often as possible. For more information on how Title I enhances Polk County Schools' instructional programs contact Valerie Davis, Supervisor of Federal Programs at (423) 299-0471.
Annual Title I Parent Meetings
Each Title I school has an annual Title I meeting. You will receive notification of when the meeting will be held at your child's/children's school. As these meetings become publicized, they will also be announced here. Please make plans to attend if at all possible.
This meeting will provide you with an opportunity to learn about our Title I program. Also, policies, procedures, and curriculum that your child will be required to follow and study will be discussed. This meeting is also another opportunity for the school to get information from parents about what they would like to see included in the school program.
These programs are provided by the Polk County School System and supplemented by the Title I Program. The Title I Program and the Polk County Board of Education affirm they do not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicapping condition or age.
How Title I Supplements Polk County Schools Instructional Programs
Instructional Programs
Personnel including additional Teachers and Paraprofessionals
Professional Development Opportunities
Instructional Equipment to support Instructional Programs
Supplies and Materials to support Instructional Programs
Parental Involvement Opportunities